Improve your LinkedIn profile with these 5 tips image

Improve your LinkedIn profile with these 5 tips

Is your Linkedin profile helping you get the jobs you want, or hurting your personal brand? According to the Society of Human Resource Management, 84% of hiring managers are using social media for hiring with Linkedin as the prefered social media platform for professionals.

Think of your Linkedin profile of as a book you’re writing. You should always be polishing and improving it to tell the best story of yourself. A completed Linkedin profile will help establish your online presence plus it’s a free space to showcase your skills and experience. A polished LinkedIn is part of your compelling personal brand and is one of the best networking tools.

Personalise your LinkedIn URL

We believe that great branding is in the details. Customising your Linkedin URL to is not only aesthetically pleasing, it’s easier to share, add to your resume, business cards, and websites.

linkedin profile

To change your LinekdIn URL, go to your profile. On the right-hand side you’ll find a menu bar to edit your public profile and URL. If you have a common name, you’ll need to get creative with your new URL to match your personal brand.

Have a professional and current head-shot

linkedin profile headshot

Visual branding is important. Your profile photo is your logo and it’s going to be stamped on everything you do professionally. It’s also the first thing people look at when they come across your profile so make sure your headshot is current and appropriate. Here are some examples you definitely want to avoid.  

If you can afford to have a professional headshot for your Linkedin profile, do it. Otherwise, you can take your own professional headshots with the help of a tripod and a self-timer or a trusty friend with a good eye.

Tell your story

linkedin profile your story

Do not leave the summary section of your profile blank! Use this prime real estate to share your story and express your personal brand statement. Write a few drafts and ask a friend for help. You want your summary to sound like you, not a corporate robot regurgitating facts and workplace jargon or a tacky sales-person-don’t over do it.

Your summary should stem from your core values because you’re trying to create a connection with the person reading it. Reflect on what brought you to this moment, share your skills and experiences, and why your work makes a difference to the people and company you work with.

Build your endorsements and share the love

Endorsements help build your credibility on the skills you have listed on your LinkedIn profile and has a positive impact on your search ranking.  Linkedin allows you to list up to 50 skills, but you need to be selective about the three you keep at the top because this is what will help you with your SEO ranking and highlights your main skills. Make sure you prioritise your skills, so you’re creating a profile to suit the opportunities you’re looking to pursue.

If you don’t ask you don’t get. Go through your network and simply ask for endorsements for the skills you’re looking to highlight if you’ve worked with that person on a project using the skills.

linkedin profile recommendations

Don’t forget to return the favour for any of the skills they would like highlighted. It is social media after all, so reach out to your colleagues and help each other out.

Request recommendations

Recommendations are comments about your performance from other LinkedIn members. It takes endorsements to a whole other level and gives the potential employer, hiring manager, recruiter, or business partner insight to what it’s like to work with you.

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