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How to identify transferable skills

Forbes has reported that millions of workers will be looking for a job change – or even a career change – in the post-pandemic world, with 1 in 4 workers preparing to look for new opportunities once the pandemic threat feels fully subsided.

Assessing your own experience in order to work out how you can fill the gaps in the sectors you want to move into is essential if you’re one of the people who fit the above bill. Transferable skills are the skills and abilities relevant and helpful across different areas of life and industries, not just professionally, but socially as well. Employers are often looking for candidates that can demonstrate a robust set of transferable skills.

The good news is that you will already have these in your pocket, through simply living your life and through the jobs you’ve succeeded in in the past. 

How do you identify these skills, and how can you apply them when reaching out to employers and organisations? Below is a step by step guide to help you put your best foot forward:

  • Firstly, consider your successes from previous roles. How did you achieve this? What steps did you undertake to reach your goals? How did you properly implement these steps within the structure of the organisation or role?
  • How did you problem solve and overcome challenges during the process to become successful?
  • What personal qualities do you hold that contributed to your success?
  • How did you work within a team to get everyone on board towards a shared goal? Consider how you supported and motivated each other.
  • Are you goal oriented? If so, what skills have you developed in order to reach personal milestones?
  • How do you ensure a balance between personal and professional life?
  • What are you passionate about? 

Take a notepad and write down all of these answers, and then consider your dream role or dream organisation. Make a new list as to how all of the above answers inform skills that are directly transferable to the new job or sector you’re looking at.

The above are just a few thinking points that are helpful and relevant, however don’t forget to think carefully about the things you love to do, and the aspects of your personal qualities and the goals you’ve achieved and adversities you’ve faced there too. 

To have a confidential discussion with one of our Majer Recruitment talent advisors about how you can harness your transferable skills for a career change, contact us

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